Infection Prevention


In accordance with the Health & Social Care Act 2008, an infection prevention & control [IPC] statement will be generated each year and will detail:

  • Any infection transmission events and actions taken as a result [ these will be documented as part of the practice Significant/Learning Events procedure]
  • Details of infection control audits undertaken and related actions
  • Details of any infection control risk assessments
  • Recording of staff training
  • Procedure and policy reviews


  • Sarah Sutton RGN supported by Tracy Smith HCA
  • Dr Sumit Virmani Lead GP


An IPC inspection was carried out by Sarah Sutton on 28/5/19. All rooms, clinical and non-clinical were assessed and a checklist was completed.

  • The assessment highlighted the need for suitable baby changing facilities to be provided.

Significant/Learning events

  • In the past year, there have been no reported IPC events

Toys, books and magazines

We do not provide toys in the waiting area or the clinical rooms. There is a limited supply of books/magazines in the waiting area and these are reviewed and removed as needed/when worn.


Carried out daily by NHS Property Services: Responsible for cleaning specifications, frequency of cleaning and audit.


We aim to conduct hand hygiene training to our practice team on a two yearly basis. This is carried out as part of the practice team meeting and is minuted. The practice team all have access to Bluestream for additional mandatory and non-mandatory training.

The IPC lead[s] complete the mandatory updated training provided by the CCG and most recently competed this in 2018.

Policy & Procedure

The policy relating to IPC is reviewed & updated annually if required and further amendments are made when required by any advice changes. The policy is held centrally and is accessible to all practice staff.